Very good performance of main logistics partners. EcoVadis results: 80% gold medal
Among the initiatives developed in 2017 to achieve these results, the Sustainable Sourcing Policy was communicated to our logistics suppliers and we started monitoring those representing 50% of the billing volume in collaboration with EcoVadis, having achieved very good results.

Improvement of inbound emissions by 6 %
The implementation of Natural Gas trucks in July 2017 to replace fossil fuel-powered vehicles, has allowed Puig to improve by 6% its inbound GHG emissions. (Results derived from: 174 transports on Chartres-Barcelona, and Barcelona-Madrid routes)

Initiatives developed to reduce air emission: Dubai Duty Free: –34% GHG emissions
In 2017 a specific collaboration with Dubai Duty Free through a commercial agreement to ship by sea instead of by air, has permitted us to reduce GHG emissions by 34 %.