In 2017, Puig continued to work on its strategy and objectives, making further progress and achieving new goals.


All these initiatives allow the company to improve its environmental footprint, whose calculation is representative of its commitment to the sustainable strategy. The defined KPI (GHG emissions in t CO2 eq. /Net revenues in M€) shows the company’s impacts on climate change and leads to corrective and improvement actions.

A Sustainability Management and Reporting Tool has been available since 2016 for the automatic calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint of the Fragrance Business Unit (FBU).

The FBU Carbon Footprint is increasing every year due to business growth and business model changes, a reason why one of the main objectives of our Program is the reduction of our Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Total GHG emissions in relation to Net revenues

Thanks to Offset Mariposas Project, the company offset a volume of 6,200 tons of CO2, achieving a reduction of its global GHG emissions by 2% in KPI. This Project consists in the construction and operation of a Run-Of-River hydropower plant in Chile that generates renewable energy.